it has been v diff to restrain myself - in not lugging bags of Lush back home...
so far i have stuck with it and only took a Lush catalogue home - the Lush X'mas catalogue!
i have read numerous blogs / sites re: how easy it is to make one own's bath bomb... with all my essential oil sitting in the cupboard... i thought, should give it a go...
so i gathered all is needed...
(i even have citric acid sitting in the baking cupboard! and epsom salt in the laundry! the "moulds" i bought in japan for sushi (fish, car & rice ball moulds have been instrumental in the success of this experiement...)
the recipe:
240g baking soda
75g citric acid
80g corn starch
100g epsom salt
2 tsp or there abouts essential oil (i had 3 types - white, pink & purple with diff combo of teatree / lavender / chamommile / jasmine/ sandlewood / rose/ ylangylang)
5 tbsp grapeseed oil (i used normal, but i think waterdispersible will be less oily on the bathtube after the bath, hence, much better)
1 tbsp glycerine
colouring - tiny drips of
a Lush catalogue for inspiration (essential oil combos and packaging etc...)
to make --> easy as pea... mix all dry ingredients, mix all wet ingredients, combine wet and dry, the resulting mix should be sandy and clumb together when squeezed in one's hand...
the key to forming the bomb is to line the mould with glad wrap - for easy dislodgement from the mould once the mix is compacted into the mould... peel off the clingfilm...
done... now it needs to be dried - a day or two in a cool dry spot will do... and it will firm up and become more easy to handle (ie - not disintegrating into bits of chalk on compression)...
my "whites"
my "purples"
of cos' it needed road testing b4 mass production...
and i am happy to say it did fizzzz
and once it was wet, it kept fizzing...
it was most fragrant when it was fizzing away in the bath tub... my batch was abit oily (leaves oil in the bath tub) but v moisturising... i think a water disperable oil will be more bath tub friendly... but there are some doubts about the oil being sulfonated... i wonder if it will be ok if one has a sulfur allergy to use water dispersible oil) my very own bath ballistic stash...
now i have to brainstorm on the ways of making them presentable as little x'mas gifts...
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