Thursday 2 August 2007

veggie patch 2 months on...

what a difference 2 months can make... the seedlings of several cm in height at the end of may have gone through their grow spurts and are now 10cm+ tall...
the scattering of plant life has visibly transformed itself into a little patch... (while toothy gnome still looks on... hidden behind the snow peas)
... the patch is literally blooming!! (and food is on its way)
even patch 2 is taking shape... (and one can see patch 3 being tucked into bed with newspaper cuttings, and in the not too distant future will receive more plant life)
... the broccoli from the egg containers have moved house to patch 2 and are doing well...
and the ones on the nursery porch are rapidly outgrowing the space...
these teenage broccoli cannot wait to move into patch 3...
so are these adolescent carrots...

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