on show here is my low cost sprouter. this original coles cookie container is recycled packaging - thus cost me nothing.... i was contemplating purchasing the biosnacky germinator (i only saw the flat roof option for $40 odd bucks at healthy life)... i usually get sucked into buying something quite quickly, esp after reading all the pluses on their websites... but i made my own germinator instead (hoping to save a few bucks)... and to my delight - it is working! i had my first wheat sprout stirfry with carrots, tofu and sarcha sauce the other day and it was delish! (the wheatsporuts were really sweet - on the sweetness scale it was v similar to aspartame with a v sweet after taste... the nutty sprouted seeds were chewy and added a nice texture to the dish)... now it has been tried and tested (in cooking), it is in mass production (as below)
i've got wheat sprouts going with their little green tips and also 2 factories of fenugreek sprouts... i have to say, fenugreek has a pungent smell! and strong colour too... the only thing i have to do with these sprouters is to water them twice daily and let them sit on the kitchen window seal.
how to make these lovely low cost sprouter?
- collect clear plastic containers with lid (or purchase from $2 shop - more sturdy)
- drill holes (diametre approx 4-5mm) at the bottom of the containers, evenly spread, 20-30 holes
- paring container with hole with another (same size) container with no holes as the base to collect drained water
- put lid on to provide greenhouse effect - keeping seedlings warm, moist
- presoak seeds overnight b4 incubating them in sprouter, water them twice daily and drain xs water from bottom tray
- ready to harvest in about 5 days
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